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Man identifies himself in the earthly world with a map summarizing his condition.
Who is Man? From his coming to Earth to date
His state of mind. His wealth and internal deficiencies.
To which horizon is he going?
Goals and issues of terrestrial life in the flow of contradictory and...

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L'Homme s'identifie dans le monde terrestre avec une carte résumant son état.
Qui est l'Homme ?  De sa venue sur Terre à ce jour
Son état de pensées. Ses richesses et carences intérieures.
Vers quels horizons se dirige t'il. ?
Buts et...

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Civilizations and continents have succeeded over the earthly creation.
Each step was a reflection of love and suffering.
Humanity has structured through each age its future today.
A loss of breath of the nature of life, a mistaken notion during the centuries of the creative dimension of life...

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